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Tonight It’s Poetry…more specifically, Sunday night! I’m very excited to have my first-ever feature in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. I’m being hosted by the delightful folks at Tonight It’s Poetry, a vibrant slam community who very generously hosted the Canadian Festival of Spoken Word in 2012. It feels very appropriate that I will be having my first feature in the same city that I did my first national competition in, and that I will take my first solo airplane ride to the same place that I took my first airplane ride to. I’m not sure that last sentence made sense grammatically, but, whatever…it’s not like I’m a writer or anything, right? Oh, wait…

Anyway, if you find yourself suffering from the Sunday evening blues, you should come out and hear some spoken word! A slam is exactly what you need to start your week off right – all that energy, enthusiasm, creativity, and passion! How could you not float through the rest of the week with a smile on your face?

Tonight It’s Poetry First Slam at the Bassment – Featuring Beth Murch

“After a raucously successful first show at the Bassment, Tonight it’s Poetry returns for round 2, and this time for a slam. Sign up for the slam is on a first-come first-serve basis. Exceptions are made for first-time slammers, but otherwise you must be there in person to sign up before we reach our limit of twelve poets. In addition to the slam awesomeness, we have an incredible feature all the way from Kitchener Waterloo, Beth Murch. Those of you who saw her at CFSW 2012 in Saskatoon know that this is a must-see performance. Slam starts at 8:30; sign up starts at 7:30.”