Category Archives: Take Me Home With You

Regina Word Up Slam Finals Feature!


Hey there, Precious Blueberries of Regina, Saskatchewan! I will be in your neck of the woods featuring at Regina Word Up Slam Finals on April 11th, 2019 and facilitating my workshop, “Raw Like Sushi, Tender Like Tomatoes: Ferocity and Vulnerability in Spoken Word” on April 12th.

Please come out and say hello! I’ll have copies of both of my chapbooks, Postcards From Heaven to the Citizens of Hell” and “4 A.M.” for sale (only $10?!)

Facebook Event Page


4 AM and my Hand

Prairie Tour!


Hello Precious Blueberries!

I am reaching out to you because I am currently fundraising to get my tuchus out to the Canadian Prairies, where I have been asked to do some performances and workshops, as well as to fund my newest chapbook, which is chock-full of the earthy, sensuous, feisty, feminist, confessional poetry that you love.

I’d sure be grateful if you could spare a buck or two (or, hey, maybe a little more) in order to help me make this dream trip a possibility. I’m really overjoyed and honoured to be asked to share my poetry in other provinces, so I want to take advantage of this amazing opportunity.

Bethy’s Fundly Campaign

Cliterature 2018 pic 2

The Bentway Variety Show


Hello, my Precious Blueberries!

It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? Have you missed me? I’ve certainly missed you! If you are longing for me the way that I have been longing for you, please come see me in this wonderful show that I will be performing in come October 7th, 2018. Rumour has it that there will be chapbooks and other merch for sale…so you can take a little piece of me home with you.


Check out the event page on Facebook here.


Remember Me?


It’s May and little sprigs of green are poking their heads out of the ground. The winter’s snow is finally gone (we hope!), and things feel fresh and new.

I’ve been fighting a losing battle with writer’s block over the past year. For the past year or so, poetry has not felt like my friend…which was weird, because I’ve always been able to turn to poetry as a friend, even in the toughest of times. But what to do when poetry itself is the problem? Hmm.

Anyway, spring is here and I am slowly experimenting with writing once again.

This is what I have been up to:


I got published in Oratorealis! Check out Spring 2017’s Issue 2.1 on page 18 and 19, and you will see my poem, “~4 AM~”! This is rather exciting for me, because it was a goal of mine to be printed in this publication, so achieving that has got the old creative juices flowing once again. I’m glad that “~4 AM~” found a good home, especially one that includes the work of some very talented artists.


I’ve also been published in a zine that will be released on Mother’s Day (May 14, 2017) called, Soother: Femmes Grieving Family and Fertility. The poem, “Ritual For A Much-Wanted Child That Will Never Be Conceived” was the poem to end my writer’s block, and I feel both very good and very vulnerable that it is being shared with so many people. I’ve seen a preview of the zine, and it is gorgeous! It is definitely worth money, but it is being generously offered on a sliding scale starting from $0. If you are interested in ordering a copy, go here.

I was strolling through Facebook the other day and came across some pictures of me performing in Vancouver at the Verses Festival back in 2015. See?

me at verses

me at verses 2

Lastly, I am gearing up for a set at Bracelet of Hope’s Women to Women show in Guelph, on May 28, 2017. I’m looking forward to my feature there, as well as doing a little shopping in their pop-up boutique!

I hope you are doing well, my friends, lovers, dears, and queers.

Trees, Bees, and Babies!



My birthday is coming up (September 3rd, for those of you who want to send me presents), and I wanted to celebrate it in true poet fashion: a poetry event! This event is extra, super-duper, awesomely great because it is also a fundraiser for me to get to the Canadian Festival of Spoken Word, which is being held in Victoria, British Columbia in October. As an added bonus, this event gives me an excuse to show off two of my favourite, favourite, favourite poets in the whole wide world: Andre Prefontaine and Sean O’Gorman. This show is seriously going to be one of the greatest poetry events of all time, and you must find a way to make it here to Kitchener. My heart is so filled with love – birthdays, great friends, poetry, the chance to go to nationals…it’s all so beautiful.



Much like the origins of Kim Jong Sung, ANDRE O’GORMURCH was birthed as the black sky raged and the clouds separated like the legs of an Olympic gymnast. On top of a mountain click, click, click, down through the chimney of heaven emerged the heroes…

Sean O’Gorman – The panty-dropper
Andre Prefontaine –The panty-wearer
Beth Murch – The no panties at all!

They were all pushed down the tube, all at once, too soon, so they formed:


Golden like the sun, radiant as the stars, and smelling like a bathhouse the day after Pride, ANDRE O’GORMURCH descended from the top of holy Mount Anne Murray to bring the people what they wanted: a fuckin’ kick-ass, mother-fucking, father-fucking, seal-clubbing, nipple-pinching, bra-burner of a poetry show. Fuck yeah!


It is our pleasure to bring to you, for one night only, a performance that will not only ravish your heart, mess up your head space and rearrange it so it better suits your new life perspective. ANDRE O’GORMURCH will dazzle you, charm you, sell your email to a third party advertiser AND inspire you. It’s a birthday party, a fundraiser, a poetry showcase, a chance to hoop a small dead animal… No. No, that’s just fucked up!


Sean O’Gorman: Is an international performer of spoken word and has competed in national poetry slams multiple times. His work teeters between the brightness of possibility and the shadows of self doubt. His style is extremely personal and this is why he is able to connect with other people, putting to words what is too often never spoken.

Beth Murch: Is a tree-hugging, crunchy-granola freak show and social justice activist who works as a full-spectrum doula and independent placenta service provider. When she is not chanting down Babylon, dancing naked in the rain or calling little Buddhas forth from the womb, this wicked poetess can be found creating and disturbing peace through her literary craft which draws upon themes of sexuality, nature, spirituality, and Feminism.

Andre Prefontaine: Is known as ‘Hurricane Sassy’. Sardonic, hilarious and will make you question your sexuality, in a good way. His poetry comes from the hard, cracked earth of the Prairies, where traditional ideals of masculinity flourish like the wheat that becomes Canada’s bread – and yet, his words are both as lush as a Boreal forest and as lonely as the call of a solitary loon on a glassy lake at twilight.



Facebook Event Page: ANDRE O’GORMURCH

This is what happens when you take three normal looking people and smash them into a single image.

The Things I Want To Say But Go Unsaid…The Words That Should Not Have Been Spoken



My very first chapbook.

I ordered 50 copies and they are almost all sold. I’m saving a few for the Canadian Festival of Spoken Word. I might have to print more! It feels really special to hold your words in a hand-bound volume. Only $10!!!